Q1 How Many ChargersAnytime Dispensing Kiosks
Does My Facility Need? That is, How Many Extra Outlets?
Our experience at LaptopsAnytime is that facilities can start
with a starter station or two and expand from there once they
learn their facility usage patterns. But some things are clear:
Usage predominates at certain intervals of the day, e.g.
9:00 am, Noon and 3:00 pm M-Th, and from there, a lot
depends on your facility's outlet problem and your specific
facility traffic and usage patterns.
Q2: Can We Place Laptops (and/or Tablets) and Power
Chargers in the Same Kiosk? Are Systems that Configurable?
Absolutely, as long as each row module is the same device,
you can construct kiosks with range of laptops, tablets and
power chargers to meet your local need. Please see
www.laptopsanytime.com for more info on laptop kiosks.
Q3: Is There a Database You Do Not Authenticate To?
ILS? Active Directory/LDAP? Other?
We work with all the Integrated Library Systems (SIP2 Protocol)
and we routinely do authentication with Active Directory + LDAP.
In fact. for some institutions we do multiple authentications.
Q4: Am I Correct in Thinking that ChargersAnytime Kiosks
Could Save My Facility a Fortune Compared to Rewiring
My Building and Adding Technology Furniture?
Yes. There is enormous value in adding flexible solutions to
your facility. If you are smart you can add ChargersAnytime
(and LaptopsAnytime) dispensing kiosks and reduce or eliminate
expensive construction, remodeling and renovation costs related
to power management and mobile device checkouts. We are
happy to help you and your group transform your infrastructure
and we are happy to offer our consultation services for free.
Feel free to contact us today at 877.836.3727.